My reason for training

My reason for training
just two beach bums

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

And then there was Thanksgiving.....

Thanksgiving, for all of it's good parts, is hell on someone with "weight issues". I ate like it was my last meal. Literally. Turkey and dressing, casseroles, rolls, cakes, cookies, pies....well you get the picture. I haven't been on a scale, but it's kinda like the IRS - it never has good news. I really blame my mom - if she couldn't cook so well I wouldn't feel the need to eat everything in sight. Alas, in the midst of the carnage I did manage to follow my training plan, as elementary as it is right now. I am currently walking 24 minutes and running for 6 minutes three times a week. I'll add in swimming twice a week this week. Now that I'm back at the office and somewhat busy - I'll try to get back to the portion control attack plan. At some point, as indicated by the letters "tri" in triathlon - I'll need to buy a bike and add that in. I'm guessing that will be a Christmas gift to myself. I'm pretty good at gift giving to myself; I've always said "I love me some me". I plan to talk to some local bike shops and see if they have any trade ins or used bikes that I could buy for now. For god's sake - Lance Armstrong has nothing to fear from me.

Yesterday, in what should have been my first day back to the office after the holiday, I spent the better part of the day with my wife in the ER. She apparently had an ovarian cyst rupture in her abdomen which causes an awful lot of horrible pain. Several years ago we had a mutual friend die suddenly of an embolism in his stomach and that's all I could think about as she way lying in the floor screaming/crying in agony. If you were a driver on highway 280 Monday morning I was the maniac in the grey Acura that was driving in medians, crosswalks and on the side of the road. I'm pretty sure we set some traffic records. Anyway, the good folks at Trinity Medical Center ER took good care of her once we got there. She is safe and sound and although she is supposed to be resting I'm pretty sure she's out Christmas shopping as I write this. All in all - made for a scary day. Makes you realize how lucky you are and how fragile we are on this big green rock we all call home.

I had a great time visiting with my family last week. It's always good to see my nephews - I hate we live so far apart. I feel like I have invaluable advice for teenage boys that is just going to waste. (My mom would spit coffee across the room to hear that last sentence) I'm glad it's less than a month until we all get back together again. Just in case my sister and nephews read this - I found some really good deals on paintball guns and we should have one heck of a Christmas....... :)

1 comment:

  1. So, I saw your comment on Emz blog and figured if you were funny enough to come up with the whole Emz apples, you must be a pretty good read. So, here I am, reading you.

    I'm glad your wife is doing okay. I know how rough it is watching someone suffer through that pain. My sister and i both have had the same and it isn't fun from either side.

    Good luck on your quest to get into shape. It took me over a year but I have lost 40 of the 50+ pounds I put on and I love it! I'd like to lose about 10 more, but I'm happy where I am. You'll get there. It just takes time.

    Run on.
