My reason for training

My reason for training
just two beach bums

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas....the aftermath

Well....where do I start. It's been a couple of weeks since I posted due to A: holidays, B: sickness and C: laziness. I had a great Christmas - got to go home and spend a way too quick weekend with my family before we all had to head back to the real world and return to work. Got to see my nephews for a few days. I find it unbelievable that I have a nephew who will graduate from high school this year. Where did the last 18 years go? It seems like yesterday that he was calling me from spending a week with his grandparents one summer wanting me to buy him a turtle and keep it at my house since his mother wouldn't let him have one.... "But Uncle Steve she won't know if you keep my turtle for me"........Hard to argue with that logic from a 5 year old. Anyway - I'm old and he's going to graduate next June. Wow.
My 16 month old, Rylie, had a great Christmas. She is particularly taken with a baby doll that makes sucking sounds if you get her pacifier near her mouth. She's a little protective of the baby, so best of luck getting to take a long look at the baby doll - you'll get her mean face quickly. She got so many toys I'm not sure where we're going to put them. They are scattered all over the house at the moment and it's making our small cluttered home claustrophobic. We're trying to sell our house now to upgrade to more storage space - but in this market you might hit the lottery before you can sell your house. All in all - I'd say her second Christmas was a rousing success.
My wife finally got over her cold just in time to give it to me. But not only do I have it but my dad has come down with it as well as Rylie. But then again - just about everyone we know has had it in the last 3 weeks. It's kept me out of the gym and out of the pool for over a week now. Tough to train when you can't breathe. Other than that things have been great here. I'll get back to running and swimming this week. I did manage to send in a video of my running to Runners Warehouse and they pointed me in the direction of a pair of Saucony Stabil CS in an extra wide since, according to my lovely wife, I have fat feet. They happened to have them at a really good price as well - so double score! Hopefully my feet will thank me and my running will improve. My goals for January are:
A. Work up to a 2 mile run
B. Work up to a 600 meter swim
C. Purchase a bike and get started riding.
D. Eat better meals
E. Get started with my wife on P90X again at night

We'll see next time how this year has started off............

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